• Origins & growing diary

    Three Years In ...



    The Healing Harper


    After a 12 month hiatus, being carried by the whims of the Universe it's now time to refocus and channel our energies once again.. Dropping anchor on the North Devon Coast early 2024 it has so far been a year of creating community centred projects, including a Community Sea Chantey Choir and a Jazz School...lovely projects slowly developing over the months ... and from out of nowhere, there Iis now a physical space offered to potentially call our own, set on a triangular cross roads in the heart of a town called Ilfracombe. Our current challenge is to allow a viable business to emerge before the years ends, so we are able carry the building contract forward.


    Returning to Cumbria to build on connections made in the first year was another difficult lesson which has opened up conversations about the whole project...it has after all met its initial ambition; to record and post daily for a year. A year and a half in, with 444 harp loops freely available, several long-from Harp Meditations and some potent collaborations.

    unfortunately, after a simple cost-benefit analysis, we cant find the "why" any more.

    We're currently stepping back to gather our thoughts and make room for new inspiration.


    Summer in Devon, what a lovely bunch, so kind, generous & helpful. We have some great friends down there, but it wasn't all sunshine and buttercups ... yet uncomfortable lessons are rarely forgotten. And for this we are grateful, leaving somewhat bruised and a whole lot wiser. We now understand that boundaries are important and one must be explicit in this regard. We've come to realise the infinate potential that is available between these harp strings, and yet to be heard one needs to be a able to hear...


    Leaving a vibrant, lush, buzzing Cumbria can only be replaced by one other thing. The North Devon Coast. Arriving early June 2023, we plan to stay the summer. Old friends reconnected, we bring gifts of our journey northward. Live events are set up, the sea invites us warmly to jump right in and all things shine a luminous glow of summer life. Summer in Devon is divine.

    Now we go live online as well as live in person. 🙌


    It occurs to the harper, whilst bimbling in Western Cumbria that he could reach out to yoga teachers in the area, to see if he can accompany classes. A fortuitous phone call and welcome introduction be the lovely Natalie Lindon is great success and leads to introductions to a whole community of Yoginis.

    Off the back of this a tour is formed…and #OneMinuteHarpMeditations goes on the road 🤩

    First tour lined up Jan-Mar 2023


    Your man here learns that 6am is the best time to post so that most people see it. This works for a short time, then the reality of waking at 6 am becomes oppressive. And if the deadline is missed, the reality that a meditation will not reach the optimum number of folks diminishes motivation, and posts dwindle…things get slack for a couple of months until he gets his act together, tightens everything up and the machine runs smoothly once again.

    Daily posts at 6am

    Why doesn’t someone suggest automation?…🤦‍♂️


    Website goes live with the charming name OMHM.IO

    The author is delighted, while concurrently knowing that it means nothing to anyone but he.

    So here’s the explanation.

    OM = yoga sound of the universe ⭐️

    HM = Harp meditations, obviously; and…

    .IO is Indian Ocean territories, gamers like it as it correlates nicely with computer speak, meaning Input/Output.

    N.B The harper is not a gamer, sunsets and horizons are too good.🔆


    As the author writes (07/22) there are over one hundred harp meditations available on instagram, with 4 “best of the month” compilations available on SoundCloud and several guided meditations, wonderful collaborative creations with fellow explorers of the cosmos including a witch doctor, a true wizard, an elvan queen a future seer and a breath work adventurer … all excellent humans.


    Beginning as a personal creative challenge to consistently create, document and present daily for a year … OMHM is beginning to have its own life force and the harpers fingers seem content to allow the Tao to play through them. Different things get added and new connections made and give or take a day or two…generally speaking the daily posts keep coming.⭐️


    OneMInuteHarpMeditations is born, March 2022. A reimagining of an old vision, to create an app, over flowing with meditative harp improvisations that the listener can shape to their own design. It got shelved for several reasons, but mainly costs … fast forward 5 years and it occurred to the author, “just use Instagram, its free and the posts loop automatically”

    BOOM 💥 >>> Infinite Harp ✨


    the realm of no things